Top 4 Options in Short Term Housing for Business Traveler

Top 4 Options in Short Term Housing for Business Traveler

Traveling for business has become a requirement in some industries, and employees are hitting the roads, rails, and airways for days, weeks, and even months at a time! Now imagine you’ve hired that “hit it out of the park” employee, and you really don’t know about the housing you’re establishing for your traveler. Where people lay their heads each night is beyond a critical component in road warrior retention. The important question is, do you care about that professional traveling on behalf of your company, and where they’ll be staying? This question is, by all accounts, crucial to not only your employees’ success but ultimately the success of your company.

Understanding Your Options

So what’s the right choice for savvy businesses that want easy, carefree, short (or long) term housing worldwide that doesn’t break your bank?  This may be the time to think of that highly sought after employee as an investment. When you are offering a travel position to a solid candidate, supply solid information.

  1. Short term housing began with the motel, quickly moving forward to the possible higher scale hotel. Let’s face it, where Mom and Pop used to take us on family vacations (if we didn’t have a pop-up), was the Inn, Lodge or Motel – the one with the outside ice machine and a pool if we were lucky. Let’s safely surmise the person traveling for business wants a bit more comfort than a motel. A hotel is certainly a  viable place as they are numerous… but why limit your professional to just a room? OK, so that room has a “kitchen” (read: microwave, tiny ’fridge, a possible burner on a countertop).
  2. The latest housing boom is renting through an owner or a variety of online services where the homeowner has added their rental listing. We’ve all heard friends, family, and business associates who’ve rented from a private owner, with stories regaling the great deal they found, but what about those stories where unsuspecting travelers become a sneak-peek on the Internet? Have the homeowners and properties gone through any type of process to be certified rentable, clean, professionally managed and well maintained? Does anyone know who they’re really renting from and have we not learned there are “deals” we may not have bargained for!
  3. Occasionally, businesses allow their warriors to opt to “take the money and run”. These are those that decide they want to save on their cost and lug all their furniture,  sheets, towels, pillows, glassware, dinnerware, vacuum, ironing board right down to the trash cans, then spend their time connecting the utilities, the cable & the WIFI. Are we happy now? What about when packing up those items again, disconnecting services, waiting for refunds on deposits…. what if the job ends or a location changes? Hotels may seem a great option until the room starts closing in, and the dependency on finding food at a decent price, washing clothing needed each day, and hearing your transient neighbors at all times also becomes a bit claustrophobic! Think about hauling your furnishings and items from place to place, battling it up and downstairs and even elevators and you see the wear & tear quickly.  Moving your items from place to place is difficult making unfurnished options difficult.  However, there are many fully furnished options available through
  4. The agency will also arrange a furniture package, pay the utilities, and may even arrange to have dishes and linens available (usually for an extra fee). There are even some agencies that pay for internet and cable; however, that’s not typical. Corporate Housing Associates can provide the accommodations that employees would expect from a top-tier employer.

Most assignments are booked within a week or two, but others within a day or two. Typically, agencies will send employees two or three housing options to pick from, but they are usually going to arrange the option that is the cheapest and readily available. While it’s possible to request what a person wants, there’s no guarantee it will be available.

Benefits Offered by Agency-Arranged Housing

One of the biggest benefits offered by agency-arranged housing is that it’s easy. If a person isn’t too worried about housing or if they are new to traveling, it’s the easiest option. With agency housing, a person doesn’t have to worry about paying the security deposit, getting utilities turned on, and more.

Another benefit is that in smaller cities with limited housing options, it’s often difficult to find short-term options. However, an agency is going to arrange this for the traveling staff member. Other benefits include better prices, better treatment, no need to pay money up-front, and a safeguard for cancellations. If looking for information on this subject you can find out more by searching for temporary staff housing.

It’s a Matter of Preference

What the housing options really come down to is what a person prefers. Take some time to consider what options are available and ultimately, for the most stress-free option, it’s going to be clear that going with agency-arranged housing is best. This ensures that everything is ready and arranged and the individual doesn’t have to do anything but show up.

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August 29, 2024
Travel and Relocation
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