Join us to raise funds for “Canines for Kids” this March 3rd.

Join us to raise funds for “Canines for Kids” this March 3rd.


Mark your calendars and join us at Corporate Housing Associates on March 3rd from 6 to 8PM at Boardwalk at Town Center’s clubhouse for a silent auction to raise funds for Canines for Kids!

Enjoy the Silent Auction!
If you’ve never participated in a silent auction before, you’re in for a treat. There’s no telling what our supporters will donate for the auction! If anything strikes your fancy, simply enter your bid on a slip of paper. At this type of event, no loud auctioneer or competitive bidding process detracts from the rest of the entertainment. You can dream about your favorite prize throughout the evening until the winners are announced!

This Isn’t Just any Charity
Canines for Kids isn’t just a cute way to match up deserving children with a new best friend. In fact, these dogs aren’t pets at all – they’re hard-working service animals. Canines for Kids matches children with serious medical issues with a professionally-trained dog to improve their quality of life. For some of these kids, this is their only chance for a normal life! By supporting this worthy cause, you’ll make a real difference in a child’s life.

What Exactly Does a Service Dog Do?
Although everyone is familiar with service dogs for the blind, this approach is also used to help with a wide variety of disabilities. Assistance canines come in all shapes and sizes and in both pure and mixed breeds. While any disability could be aided with a service dog, this list provides the most common types:
Hearing Dogs – This animal is trained to respond to certain sounds and alert their hearing-impaired human partner to the event including phones, door bells, smoke alarms, or the person’s name.

Traditional Service Dogs – These dogs help people who have difficulty walking by bringing them items, turning the lights on and off, and performing other tasks. Laptop service dogs are trained to jump on counters to get an item, and then jump on their partner’s lap to give it to them.

Social Dogs – While this type of dog is most frequently used with autistic children, it can help a child with severe anxiety or any other type of social issue. The dog is trained to facilitate social interactions between the child, the animal, and other people.

Seizure Alert Dogs – Dogs can be trained to recognize an impending seizure in their partners. They can notify their partner or their partner’s caregivers so that the appropriate action can be taken.

Guide Dogs – This is the traditional service dog for the blind. Guide dogs are trained to help their partners avoid obstacles and navigate through the sighted world.

Service Dogs for the Classroom – Teachers and therapists who work with emotionally- or mentally-impaired children sometimes use a service dog to facilitate their work. Often, the child will relate or open up to the dog when a person can’t reach them.

Even though training these animals is a labor of love, it still takes years of hard work and a substantial financial investment to provide a single service dog to a needy child. Please join us on March 3rd to help out! For even more information, visit

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