Engineer, Nurse or Teacher in need of a job? Relocating to Houston might be in your future.

Engineer, Nurse or Teacher in need of a job? Relocating to Houston might be in your future.


If you are looking for a job, perhaps you should consider relocating to Houston, Texas.

A recent study by ManpowerGroup investigated the impact of talent shortage on businesses across the world. Over 38,000 employers in 41 countries were questioned, and the results may surprise you: Around half of U.S. employers say that they have difficulty filling jobs with qualified candidates.

Of these, 30 percent of the U.S. employers said they would be open to hiring talent from outside the company’s immediate area. This is good news for qualified employees who are willing and able to relocate to a new city.

According to the survey, some jobs are in especially high demand across the country:

1.) Engineers
2.) IT specialists
3.) Skilled trades, such as electricians or plumbers
4.) Sales representatives
5.) Accountants
6.) Mechanics
7.) Drivers
8.) Nurses
9.) Machinists
10.) Teachers


Houston, Texas is one area where jobs are plentiful for people with expertise in certain fields. Engineers are in constant demand thanks to the local oil industry, and healthcare professionals are needed to staff the world-renowned hospitals and medical facilities in the city. Oil and healthcare are two of Houston’s top industries, so job demand in these fields is high and constant.

Houston is an attractive choice for relocation. It’s especially welcoming to foreign nationals looking to move into the United States. As a large and vibrant city, Houston welcomes people of all backgrounds. U.S. citizens, too, can benefit from the Houston economy, and the demand for workers will stay high since the city is a great place to do business.

According to Forbes, Houston offers a stable infrastructure due to political and regulatory commitments. Exxon Mobil, for example, is currently building a 385-acre corporate campus. When finished, the campus will have space for 10,000 new employees. Some of these are coming in from Fairfax, Virginia and Akron, Ohio, but openings are available to qualified applicants from across the country. Meanwhile, BP and Anadarko Petroleum are working to consolidate their operations into Houston, which will greatly expand the demand for workers in the area.

About 50 percent of the jobs in Houston are related to the oil and gas industry. This is one reason why Houston was able to emerge from the recent recession faster than any other major city in the country. Right now, Houston and Washington, D.C. are the only major metropolitan areas in the country to have recovered all of the jobs lost during the recession. Now industry in Houston is growing, and staffing needs are increasing as well.

Forbes ranked Houston number 20 in its list of Best Places for Business and Careers. The city enjoys a $384 billion economy. It grew by 8.6 percent in 2011, outstripping all other U.S. cities, and it’s expected to grow another 8.5 percent by the end of this year. Houston has also enjoyed the eighth greatest job growth in the country since 2006. Forecasts by Moody’s Analytics suggest that employment will increase by about 3.2 percent per year through 2014. By that time, Houston would rank as the sixth largest metro area in the country.


The opportunities in Houston have not gone unnoticed. Houston gained 313,800 new residents since 2007, and most of those people came in search of job opportunities. Larger cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, on the other hand, lost a combined 365,700 during that time period.

Although the energy sector powers Houston’s economy, other industries remain strong throughout the area. Healthcare, technology and transportation have all gained in strength and continue to grow. Three of the greatest medical research institutions in Texas are located in Houston. The Texas Medical Center, which is the largest facility of its kind in the world, employs 92,500 people and operates with an annual budget of $14 billion.

The Port of Houston ranks first for U.S. imports and foreign tonnage. Its annual economic impact is an impressive $179 billion. Additionally, the Johnson Space Center and NASA have created an aerospace hub in the city.

According to Mayor Annise Parker, “[Oil and gas] is still king here, but there are so many different pieces to it that we are not a one-industry town.” No matter what your specialty may be, you can likely find a career in the booming economy of Houston, Texas.

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August 28, 2024
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