Relocate to Texas – Texas Tops the Jobs Growth Forecast

Relocate to Texas – Texas Tops the Jobs Growth Forecast


According to the economic experts at Moody’s Analytics, Texas is expected to add more jobs than any other state during 2011. As of August 1, 2011, Texas was on track to see a 2.6 percent growth in overall employment figures. If your job search has been unsuccessful, relocating to Texas at this time makes perfect sense.

Texas Cities are Affordable
Many people think they can’t afford to relocate even if the jobs are in another state. However, Texas has eleven attractive communities featured on the top 100 list for American cities with the lowest cost of living. This makes relocation to this area very affordable. In many cases, it could cost much less to live in Texas than in your current community.

Texas is a Great Area for Working Moms
If you’re a single mother or part of a dual-income family, you’ll be glad you moved to Texas for your new job. Several Texas cities made the top 10 lists for best daycare and the lowest unemployment rate for working moms. With plenty of jobs and great childcare, this state has a lot to offer a working woman with a family.

Houston Made the International Smartest City List
Wouldn’t you want to raise your family in an city known for its intelligence? Houston is considered the fourth smartest city in the world according to Forbes Magazine. So, what makes a city smart? Here are a few of the requirements:
• Strong economy
• Great urban planning
• Robust infrastructure including medical care, transportation system, and school systems
• Affordable real-estate market
• High average incomes and reasonable cost of living
• An interest in “green” technology
• A vibrant industrial community

Houston was specifically commended for its dominance in the energy sector of the economy, a top-rated airport, the Texas Medical Center, and its recent investment in wind energy.

Corporate Housing: A Smart Option for the Entire Family
If you’ve already made the decision to relocate, corporate housing is the perfect intermediate housing solution. With affordable, short-term rental terms, your family can settle in and get to know the area while you adjust to your new job. As you explore your new surroundings, take as much time as you need to choose the perfect neighborhood for your permanent home. This is the best way to make sure that everyone is happy with the move.

Whether you’re relocating to Texas as part of a corporate move or to start a new job search, you’ll enjoy living in the Lone Star State. With a booming economy, affordable housing, and a rich cultural history, this part of the country has something to offer everyone.


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